About Vaughn Brozek, FNP-C, DC

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So far Vaughn Brozek, FNP-C, DC has created 23 blog entries.

Symptoms of a Stroke or Heart Attack: Plus, What to do if You've Had One

  February is American Heart Health, but education about heart health and prevention is an all-year necessity. More people of all races and ethnicities die from cardiovascular disease than any [...]

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Minor Car Accident Injuries Happen: Here's Why You Should Get Treatment After a Fender Bender

  You’re at a red light when the person coming up behind you looks down at their phone and rear-ends you. They weren’t going fast, and there were only a [...]

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How Weight Loss Changes Your Face and What To Do About It

If you’ve been thinking about taking a weight loss medication, then you’ve probably seen social media posts about “Ozempic Face.” Many people don’t think about how weight loss changes [...]

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The Triple Epidemic of 2023: RSV, The Flu, and COVID

  Unfortunately, the triple epidemic that occurred last year is already happening again. This so-called "tripledemic" is probably something you're already aware of and might even be tired [...]

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Immunity-Boosting Foods: (and other strategies to raise your body's defenses)

  If you eat a balanced diet, we have great news for you! You’re already eating a fantastic amount of immunity-boosting foods. An active lifestyle and a balanced diet are [...]

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How to Find Reliable Sources of Medical Information

Knowing how to find reliable sources of medical information is critical when making decisions about your healthcare. But separating fact from fiction has become increasingly complex. When it comes [...]

2024-06-11T17:22:21-05:00By |Health and Wellness|Comments Off on How to Find Reliable Sources of Medical Information

Surgical vs Non-Surgical Weight Loss: Which is Right for You?

A lot of people question what the quickest way to lose weight is. Many go to surgeons, sometimes in other countries, to pursue weight loss surgery without looking at [...]

2024-06-11T17:22:21-05:00By |Health and Wellness|Comments Off on Surgical vs Non-Surgical Weight Loss: Which is Right for You?
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